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Relationships Advice in Hindi: Importance of Relationships

As per our priorities, we set our goals, plans and actions. If asked about goals, resolutions, plans of life; the general answers include buying a new car, a house, earning more money, a job promotion etc etc. Rarely, people mention relationship goals in their wish list. Why not a goal of improving a relation or strengthening a bond shall also be included in the list of goals. Since we do take relations for granted, that becomes a major reason for problems in relations. We don't plan for them, we don't take action steps for our relations with loved ones.
So my message is simple that in your list of priorities, relations should be at number one position. Other goals and wishes are important but not at the cost of relations. I am not saying that there is no importance of career or there is no importance of job in front of relationships. Career is important, job is important, money is important but you will not be able to enjoy money if you will not have good relationship with your friends, family members, parents, siblings etc. You will be able to enjoy your brand new car only if your loved ones are around you in car, your expensive bungalow will not make you happy till the time you don't have your family in it. So expensive things, big fat salary packages, luxurious lifestyle looks hollow if your loved ones, your nears and dears are not around.
So when you set your new year resolutions, when you set your personal or professional goals, always think of relations and give them importance and priority. Keep your relationships on the top in list and set your relationship goals. Setting Relationships goals will give you a guide map about improving relationships and solving problems in relationships.

Always set relationship goals, plan your actions in a relation... You will be able to give and get Love...!

Keep Smiling..!

Him-eesh Madaan
Motivational Speaker


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