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RAW Agent Ravindra Kaushik Real Life Story | RAW

National Biography Channel
Published on Mar 6, 2019

This video is about RAW Agent Ravindra Kaushik. Field agent: According to media reports; Ravindra Kaushik was a field agent working for RAW[1] He was known for his acting skills, grasp over Urdu and Punjabi and so on. Black tiger: He was known with his code name or alias Black tiger in intelligence circle. Well, according to media reports; he penetrated deep in enemy assets and passed on many important information to his superiors Sacrifice: For the sake of his mission; Kaushik, a hindu brahmin by birth converted to Islam; married a local muslim girl and sired two sons. He also got a job in Pakistani army
Martyr: According to media reports; a thoughtless act by a fellow Indian spy got him arrested by Pakistani intelligence agencies. He was lodged in many jails and finally died of tuberculosis in 2001
Kin: According to Late Maloy Krishna Dhar, a former spy master and author of Mission to Pakistan ;there is no substantial information about Amanat ,his wife and his sons. His story has inspired numerous film makers and  john abraham will play ravindra kaushik's role.


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